Friday, September 24, 2010

My Walk Today....

How is my walk today....

By the bright light! That is the word of God.

With recommendation by my pastor I have been in the word in a new way.
I was encouraged to purchase a 1 year Bible. Specifically one in which I would read an old testament passage as well as new, and a psalm and proverb selection. A blessing to my life for sure.

     ***i recommend it to all***

Currently it has brought me to the book of Isaiah and Galatians, books not normally read together from my perspective.  However they do have some fantastic similarities that make the reading more enjoyable, to see how they connect.
I don't have much to say I will end with a prayer request.

Please pray today. No, right now!

To end abortion on demand in the USA!

Thanks both of you for reading and praying.

cboom out