Thursday, November 4, 2010


My Hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ

I have hope, I have peace.
Can i share my hope? my peace?

God calls everyone to be disciples.
Some he calls to be disciples locally others he calls away from comforts of home.
How do I know which catergory I fall into? can someone tell me? who?

If Jesus told me to follow him, would I? would I drop everything and follow him.
Or would I say, wait..let me go home and prepare, or let me go home and think about it.

What is the minimum age for a missionary? Education? life experience?
Can God really use me?

Sell all you have and follow me! excuse me? do what?
Go to all the nations, and spread the good news! Ankeny is a nation, right?

How can i reach people, i don't even have time to relax!

comments please

On The Road Again............

Clean sheets. Ugly paintings. Window air conditioner. Gideon Bible.

No, I am not at your grandma's house. I am in a hotel room.
Yes..Yes.. it sounds very glamours. And it can be. But not for me.

Tonite as I write this I am at a Best Western. Where that name came from I don't know. I am in Kansas City, not very western. And this certainly isn't the best hotel I have ever stayed in.  In fact, it is a good thing it is only a one night stay or I would have kept looking. But, the price was right and I just needed a bed.  Unfortunately all they had were smoking, I was forced to start a nasty habit. Expensive too. But hey...everyone is doing it.... or they used too.  OK, I did not start smoking simply because I am in a smoking room. in fact, I didn't start. settle down mom. 

OK. Sorry for rambling. My hotel is sufficient.

Some trips I fly. Some I drive. This current trip I flew some, and drove a lot. On Wednesday, I drove from Ankeny to Kansas City, then flew from KC to Houston, then drove from Houston to Sulphur LA (about 2 hrs). Then, drove from Sulphur to Shreveport LA, about 4hrs. few, that was a long day. Thursday I drove from Shreveport back to Kansas City, 9hrs driving. Now tomorrow I will drive back to Ankeny.  Lots of fun.  So travel is fun. sure.

The actual best part about being on the road is the food. Restaurants! Need I say more?

Until the next trip.


Friday, September 24, 2010

My Walk Today....

How is my walk today....

By the bright light! That is the word of God.

With recommendation by my pastor I have been in the word in a new way.
I was encouraged to purchase a 1 year Bible. Specifically one in which I would read an old testament passage as well as new, and a psalm and proverb selection. A blessing to my life for sure.

     ***i recommend it to all***

Currently it has brought me to the book of Isaiah and Galatians, books not normally read together from my perspective.  However they do have some fantastic similarities that make the reading more enjoyable, to see how they connect.
I don't have much to say I will end with a prayer request.

Please pray today. No, right now!

To end abortion on demand in the USA!

Thanks both of you for reading and praying.

cboom out

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It has been a while..........


I haven't written much lately so I thought I would send out a quick update.

Work is fine.

Family is Great!
you should have seen the sliver we pulled out of Owen's leg last night. it was awesome. Never knew he could kick so hard. :)

I am going to Brazil in June for a missions trip.
looking forward to it a lot!
Starting the fund raising. not looking forward to that.

I will write more when i get some time.
just wanted to update all 3 of you who follow this post :)
