Tuesday, July 12, 2011

wishin i was fishin

Yesterday i had one of the most exciting fishing experiences. I caught a 150lb fish. it was so exciting. it took me about 20 minutes to real in. It was awesome!

It makes me wonder though, why i don't do more fishing. 
why don't i go after those big ones more often. I think i would like to catch a 200lber next time.
I don't think i would use the same bait. Yesterday i used a salmon head.
I think next time i will use the Word of God.

There are many people that are with out Christ. In my line of work i get to expierence unbelievers everyday. i use the word unbelievers to speak kindly of these people.  They are probably, and mostly are, nice.  however they are also vulgar beyond mention.  i feel gross, just listening to some people's conversations.

While sitting on a coffee break yesterday i listened as one man was explaining to his buddies how him and his wife had gone to a strip club the night before. and how much they both had enjoyed it. WHAT!!
i know, that was my reaction.  what can i say to this group of 5 guys going around sharing about their different strip club experiences?

     "hey i had a great time at Church on Sunday!"


   "hey you should come to my Bible study."

i pray that God forgives my ears for hearing and my mouth for not speaking up.

the need is there people. we need to change our perspective. we need to make every opportunity, every conversation a Jesus Christ centered one. 

i am going to set a goal for myself and i encourage others to do the same.

take 1 normal everyday conversation and insert Jesus Christ. (yes we should do it in all conversations, but my dad told me don't set unrealistic goals)

so take 1 (one).  do it over lunch. supper.  at a bar. in a casino. in your office. in your home. hopefully not in a strip club.

the time is now!

i would love love love to hear about some of these conversations. I am going to start a google document. basically a word document on line. anyone can add to it.  please help me to document our trials.  without it, we won't be able to encourage one another.

please pass the link on to your family and friends. i want this document to be a paper of encouragement!! and also an opportunity for brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for eachother.

Here is the link:

Heavenly Father, please give me the courage and strength and boldness to reach the nations within the communities you place me.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good idea Curt. My Bible study was just talking about doing more of this as well. I'll pass this on to them.
